Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is your purpose?

For everyone out there that believes in Heaven and Hell, you should be well aware that they exist on the very surface of the land you walk and sleep on! Think critically about the whole fact that life is all about that one little slice of heaven pie or cake, that we no later indulge in and appreciate. Life gives you plenty of choices on what anyone should do or what anyone should become. People limit your options. True or Not? You limit your options when you listen. Heaven? We are all guaranteed happiness and we are all guaranteed eternal life! But what good is it when you are not able to think for yourself? How would you enjoy life for eternity if you ran out of all the good things you might end up doing there? When will you get tired of it? What is there to do in Heaven? If heaven will consist of all the good people in the world, then so be it. My question is, How can they tolerate each other in a place for eternity? Are they not able to think if their neighbor takes the last piece of pie over and over and over and over and over? When will it be too much that these people will eventually lose it. Or are they brainwashed? I do not know, but it is something to think about. Hell is everyone's, well all those who believe in God, worst nightmare. Do you want to suffer for eternity? Because off your selfishness? Because you stole? Killed? Raped? Or broke any of the ten commandments? What about the law of humanity? The morale of society? Will you go to hell, unless you are innocent until proven guilty? Or would you go there regardless, because you are guilty until too late proven innocent? It happens, a lot! We are in the beginning and final stages of our lives on planet Earth, and what is your purpose? Would you be a law abiding citizen? Set to change the world? Influence the world? Run the world? Would you be a murderer? A pest in society? Unfaithful? You are what you choose. No one elses. But are you going to be going to heaven or hell?  

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